Posts Tagged
Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator

NASA Flying Saucer Launch Grouded
photo credit: NASA flying saucer test flight preparations. NASA Hawaii – Thanks again to turbulent ocean conditions, NASAs “Flying Saucer”, otherwise known as the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), will be rescheduled for a June 4th launch date. Although the saucer will be dropped from high-up in a weather balloon, calmer waves are

NASA To Test Flying Saucer In Hawaii
NASA’s saucer-shaped craft could hold the key to Mans ticket to Mars Photo via Kauai, Hawaii – Hawaiian residents will get the best view of NASA’s saucer-shaped craft this Wednesday as a test flights of a huge balloon carrying the disc-like Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator. Tuesdays flight was scrubbed due