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Is Elon Musk’s SpaceX Project Crazy ?
The September 27, 2015 may be remembered as one of the key dates in space exploration. Perhaps, that was the day chosen by the multi-billionaire Elon Musk to unveil its plan for colonization of Mars. SpaceX, the mission he tease for years, will begin its journey to the Red Planet

Solar Impulse 2 makes Longest Solo Flight Record in the World
Solar Impulse 2 makes longest solo flight record in the world, while flying from Japan to Hawaii on the seventh leg of its journey. While crossing the Pacific, it has broken the longest solo-flight record of 76 hours set by American Steve Fosset in 2006 on board the Virgin Atlantic

SpaceX Rocket Destined For the International Space Station Exploded in Minutes after LIftoff
An unmanned SpaceX rocket destined for the International Space Station exploded just minutes after liftoff from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Sunday morning. It was the third cargo ship to be lost in the past few months heading to the International Space Station. This incidence has

New Tool To Save Earth From Solar Storms
Researcher and NASA space scientist Neel Savan from the Imperial College London has developed a first of its kind tool to aid in the fight to protect the Earth from the suns deadly solar storms called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Up to this point, scientists have only been able to detect

NASA Looking To Cell Phone Companies For Help Tracking Drones
The Guardian had revealed documents containing information showing NASA is interested in working with cell phone companies to help track their drones. In addition to cell phone towers, NASA is looking to also use radar and satellites to track their drones for both civilian and commercial purposes. Although they are just

Pluto’s Moons Are Not What Astronomers Expected
photo via NASA/ESA/M. SHOWALTER (SETI)/G. BACON (STSCI) As with most things in the universe, we have come to expect the unexpected. Pluto’s moons are no exception. The Hubble Space Telescope has sent back amazing images of two of Pluto’s moons, Nix and Hydra, which shows that they are in a constant state of

NASA Flying Saucer Launch Grouded
photo credit: NASA flying saucer test flight preparations. NASA Hawaii – Thanks again to turbulent ocean conditions, NASAs “Flying Saucer”, otherwise known as the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), will be rescheduled for a June 4th launch date. Although the saucer will be dropped from high-up in a weather balloon, calmer waves are

NASA To Test Flying Saucer In Hawaii
NASA’s saucer-shaped craft could hold the key to Mans ticket to Mars Photo via Kauai, Hawaii – Hawaiian residents will get the best view of NASA’s saucer-shaped craft this Wednesday as a test flights of a huge balloon carrying the disc-like Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator. Tuesdays flight was scrubbed due

Planetary Society Rejoices as Communications With LightSail Spacecraft Established
The Planetary Society breathes a sigh of relief as communications are made with silent LightSail Spacecraft #LIGHTSAIL IS BACK! More to come. Our #LightSail reporter @jasonrdavis has live updates. High five, everyone! — Planetary Society (@exploreplanets) May 31, 2015 Good news for Bill Nye and the Planetary Society as

Miniature Rocket Engine Is the Future of Space Tech
Latest disruptive space technology might be a battery-operated rocket engine. A defense research company based in New Zealand and the US, Rocket Lab has been exploiting the growing power of small batteries in developing a new rocket they are calling the ‘Electron’. The company said that it would spend $4.9M