Natural Science
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Autonomous Machines on The Rise: Is this the Future of Farming?
200 years ago, the closest things we had to autonomous farm machines were the animals we used to pull our ploughs. 100 years ago, we started using actual machines. Now, in the 21st century, we are building a world in which the machines are able to operate themselves. If the

Scientists Grow Rat Limb Today – Primate Limb Next
Scientists Successfully Grow a Rat Limb In A Laboratory. Sights Set For Bigger Limb Next Massachusetts – It seems like just yesterday scientists were able to grow the first human ear on the back of a lab mouse. Today they are able to grow entire limbs in a petri dish using living

The New Buzz in Physics: Metamaterials
Physicists are excited about metamaterials that can have some amazing properties. There was a conference held where a lot of different materials were shown, this included ceramics with springy properties and programmable rubber sponges. These kinds of materials can be used in a spacecraft or for show soles. The idea

Latest Study Says that Rats are Not to Blame for the Plague
The epidemics which had hit Europe in the form of plagues in the mid-14th century may not have because black rats. Scientists now suggest that the culprit might have been Gerbils from Asia. Scientists believe that if they are right than they will have to rewrite history. The theory is

Too Much Sun can Damage Your Skin – Even in the Dark
The sun can damage your skin for hours after spending time in the sun; new research has shown a link between sun exposure and chances of cancer. Lotions are known to help reduce the risk of cancer; vitamin E is also known to protect the skin and can limit the

Signs of Sleep Deprivation Discovered
Sleep deprivation is a common symptom of a “drop in fatty acids” according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. There are two major compounds that plays a vital role during “slumber”, the lack of these two compounds results in a depleted metabolism and leads to sleep deprivation.