Destiny The Taken King is the largest expansion so far from the popular game Destiny and various trailers of the game has been released. The developers of the game, Bungie, have given the fans a good idea about what to expect from The Taken King by holding numerous live stream sessions in a bid to show off the new weapons, levels and playable classes. However, the latest clip of the game doesn’t feature any real in-game footage.

Destiny The Taken King

Thoughts from the creative director of Destiny The Taken King:

The Creative director of the game, Luke Smith who released the trailer for the upcoming game, tweeted:

“A one-level gap in Year1 between player and AI was a huge difference. The Year2 Combat equation is based on Light now, so don’t sweat a 41.”

He also expressed his impatience regarding the release date of the game and said that the upcoming days were going to be the longest days of his life.

Earlier, reports were coming in which said that Destiny The Taken King wouldn’t be released during the day one expansion. The destination of the new game is Dreadnaught which is the capital ship of Oryx.

New features of Destiny The Taken King:

The community lead of Bungie, DeeJ, confirmed that King’s fall is going to be “the biggest raid” ever created as it will have its own bounties as well as new activities.

DeeJ also revealed that the latest game will have Prison of Elders arena mode substitute in “House of Wolves.” Another new game mode, Court of Oryx, has also been confirmed which pits you against various combinations of different bosses in numerous scenarios.

Much of the control in Destiny The Taken King has been put in the hands of the players. The best evidence to prove that the team at Bungie is doing a lot to change the game play and to change the way you are rewarded is Dreadnaught. It is available on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. You can pre-order it on their official website for $59.99.

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