
Facebook Mentions app available for all people with a verified profile

Starting today, the social media giant is expanding Facebook Mentions app to more people, including journalists, experts and other “influencers” with a verified profile. The app was released in 2014, but live streaming via the app became possible last month.

Earlier, Facebook allowed only certain celebrities like musicians, athletes and actors to access Facebook Mentions app, which makes it easier for them to keep track of what fans are saying but also interact with them with features like live video.

Facebook said in a blog:

“People love reading articles from and connecting with their favorite journalists and public figures on Facebook. Today, we’re making Facebook Mentions and Live available to public figures with verified profiles to help them engage their followers and interact with their peers.”

Facebook Mentions app for journalists
Image Source:

If you are a journalist or public figure with a verified profile, you can use Facebook Mentions app to:

1. Report Live from the scene and even host a Q&A to connect with your followers in real time.
2. To check out what people are saying about you and the topics you follow.
3. Select the audience you want to share your post publicly.

Journalists can use the app to broadcast live breaking news and replays of the broadcast can be viewed once the live stream has finished. The viewers or followers will also be able to like and comment on the broadcasts.

If you are a public figure or journalist and believe your profile or Page should be verified, you must fill out the online form before downloading the Facebook Mentions app, which is currently available only on the iOS App Store.

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