Facebook vs. Twitter: Which is Better?

The battle of the social giants. Today we decide which is better, Facebook or Twitter?

Pacquiao vs Mayweather, Tyson vs Holyfield, Freddie vs Jason. There have been many classic heavy-weight fights but none as big as Facebook vs Twitter.
People will obviously choose one social media site over the other depending on the traffic (potential customers) it will bring to their website.
This is an interesting debate. What are the recent statistics? Does Facebook bring more traffic than Twitter? Which social media is easy for beginners? Keep reading…
Facebook vs. Twitter Debate
Setting up a successful Facebook campaign is bit difficult at first. On the other hand, getting over 500 followers on Twitter is quite easy and fast because you can ‘find’ people and get them to follow you back based on interest alone.
In this way, a Twitter account can act as a useful resource to promote your articles, website, and products to people who care about you.
On Facebook, finding people to ‘like’ your page is quite difficult, or at least the solution seems evasive at the beginning.
Be careful though!
Having over 500 Twitter followers does not guaranteed thousands of visits per month to your website and products. If the number of visits from Twitter followers is very low (between 0 to 20), having over 500 Twitter followers simply does not make sensible to me. You need thousands of ‘real’ followers, not hundreds of thousands of ‘fake’ profile that do not respond to your articles, products, and tweets.
On the other hand, if you are getting about 30-50 visits per article on average through Twitter alone, you are definitely getting responses from ‘real’ people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Even though it is MORE difficult getting things going on Facebook at first, but that should not deter you away from achieving your goals.
If you manage to get 1000s of visitors a day to your website and make 1000s of dollars per month, you will not even think twice about how difficult it might be in the beginning on Facebook.
In order to succeed, you need to accept that you have to learn new skills, and Facebook Marketing should certainly be one of them.
With that said, here are few more things you need to know before deciding which platform to use to drive traffic to your website.
Facebook or Twitter: Which is Better?
- User-friendliness
Facebook is very user-friendly and they offer you plenty of options that you can utilize to INCREASE your email subscribers list. For example, you can use FB groups, use their CPC or CPM models, or Fanpages.
Twitter is brilliant for PR.
Journalists from around the world are using it and very active. Just type the hashtag #journorequest and see what I am talking about! - Paid vs. Organic
On the paid side, I think both Facebook and Twitter are now excellent with targeting.
On the organic side, Twitter is more user-friendly because you can easily respond to other’s tweet and jump right into conversation with them even if they are not following you. For example, if you sell Gym equipments and search Twitter for recent queries related to Gym, tweet, and build relationships with people. This is not possible with Facebook because of it privacy feature.
However, on the paid side, Facebook is incredible platform to reach and connect with your audiences. - Videos
Videos are becoming more and more popular because they are visual and does not require any efforts in understanding the written text.
In terms of unique video viewers, Facebook rank 2nd just after YouTube, meaning you can engage with lot of potential buyers through videos only.
Twitter, on the other hand, is trying to keep up with the competition with Vine. - Users
Facebook have over 1.2 billion users (your potential clients). Twitter ONLY has 0.2 billion active users, and majority of them are “spammers.” (Over 99.8% of tweets are never read by anyone, I read) - User Engagement
On Facebook, we can market our business thoroughly.
You can have 5-6 different pages on your FB account to promote your website and products. Likewise, you can use images and videos on Facebook to enhance user engagement.
Twitter, on the other hand, is best for “hash tags”. - Marketing
Twitter is better for marketing, but if you want targeted ‘leads’ then you should go for Facebook. Many users reported that their all of their traffic for their affiliate marketing came through re-tweets of Twitter, while FB only accounted for more than 18% of the total traffic. - Campaign
It is quite difficult to set up a successful Facebook campaign at the beginning. You can ‘follow’ people to follow you back based on interest alone, which is not so easy with Facebook though.
The traffic you get from those interested followers can alone act as a useful resource to get your articles out and gets tons of visitors a day. - Fan Following
Getting new followers on Facebook can be quite difficult, as it does not allow you to meet new people, without spending. You will only be getting few fans every month.
On the other hand, you can send out targeted emails a day and get many ‘new’ followers on Twitter on a week, free. - Popularity
Facebook is VERY popular among every age group, which helps you get a HUGE audience for your website and products.
Related post: Facebook Features You Probably Didn’t Know About But Should
Final Verdict on “Facebook vs. Twitter: Which is Better?”
I do not think that Facebook and Twitter can be compared.
I believe they are both helpful for getting traffic to your website, products, and make money. The best thing you could do it combine them both with other social networks such as Google+, LinkeIn, PInterest to get MAXIMUM results.
Warning: Although Facebook and Twitter are best tools for driving free traffic to your website, but sometimes, it’s been found that, a lot of people’s AdSense account got banned due to large volume of traffic from social media sites. The best thing you could do is get ‘genuine’ followers to your accounts and engage with them.
Over to you: Which one do you think is the best – Facebook or Twitter? Please comme
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