Nintendo Is Set To Post its Earnings Report for the Fiscal Year

Nintendo, a company specializing in games, is expected to report its earning details for the fiscal year that just recently ended in the month of March 2015. The report is expected after the market closes in Tokyo this Thursday. Before the announcement o Nintendo about their recent earnings, there are things that we need to know first.
We should know the earnings forecast for the company. According to Thomson Reuters’ analysts, the firm is anticipated to have a smaller loss that equals to $159.67 million or 19.18 billion yen for the fourth quarter and a total of 40.82 billion yen net income for the whole fiscal year. They also considered the earnings last year. Last year, the company reported 33.42 billion yen net loss for the fourth quarter and 23.22 billion yen net loss for the whole year.
As much as we need to know about the earnings forecast for the firm, it is also important to know the revenue forecast. For the fourth quarter this fiscal year, Nintendo is expected to report revenue of 94.13 billion yen. Also, it is anticipated to post total revenue of 541.1 billion yen for the whole fiscal year.
Whether the forecasts are correct or not, it is yet to find out. Of course, Nintendo is hoping for the best possible result. There is no company who would hope for a bad output.
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