9 Important Announcements Made By Sony At E3 2015

Sony has surprised audiences by making some important announcements at E3 2015 event by revealing The Last Guardian release date, Final Fantasy VII remake, the new Call of Duty and has also announced a lengthy list of games other than mentioned above, including a title for it upcoming VR headset.
So, here are some details of the 9 important announcements made by Sony at E3 2015.
The Last Guardian
Sony started its press conference with 6 minutes of footage of The Last Guardian running on PlayStation 4. The Last Guardian concludes the trilogy of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus and has been rumored at every E3 for years. Fumito Ueda is still directing the game and it is set be released in 2016 this time.
Sony confirmed a new entry to the Hitman series developed by Square Enix owned development company, IO Interactive that will simply be titled Hitman. Hitman will take players to various locations around the world in “the most ambitious Hitman game ever.” Agent 47 was shown running through a forest and taking out targets with a sniper rifle in a short trailer.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Activision and Treyarch gave Sony the right to announce the new Call of Duty: Black Ops III and PS4 users are given the first access to DLCs. Earlier, Xbox gamers were always given the first access to its DLCs. “PlayStation is Call of Duty’s new home, so expect to hear future developments at Sony’s events.” said it’s creators.
Street Fighter V
Sony has confirmed the revival of characters Cammy, whose one-piece leotard looks as skimpy as ever and Birdie, who has retained his Mohawk, but has grown a hefty beer belly in the upcoming Street Fighter V. The game is set to be released by March 2016 but PS4 users who will pre-order the game can get beta access in July.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Guerilla Games has unleashed a new game at the Sony’s event called Horizon: Zero Dawn. The trailer featured a woman exploring a cave full of paintings and ancient areas, as a narrator retells the history of humankind and how civilization crumbled. The release date of the game has not been revealed yet.
Destiny: The Taken King DLC
Destiny- the massively multiplayer shooter from Bungie, has got its expansions – The Taken King. In the game you’ll have to fight King Oryx and his army of darkness and it will include new maps, gears, and a new strike mission. The Taken King is set to be released on September 15, 2015.
Final fantasy 7
The full remake of Final Fantasy VII is in development as announced by Square Enix and Sony confirmed that PlayStation 4 will be the first to get the remake.
Over 30 games are already in the works for Project Morpheus and one of those is Guerilla Cambridge’s Rigs. The company’s upcoming VR headset is used to control this multiplayer, first-person shooter.
Sony’s Internet TV Station
Sony’s promising internet TV service-PlayStation Vue is moving beyond its initial reach of three cities and moved into Los Angeles and San Francisco. Instead of buying package deals like most paid TV services offer, it’s going to start letting users subscribe only to specific channels they want.
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