Latest Gadget News

The New Tile Tracking Device Is Out! Finding Keys And Phone Made Easier!
The new Tile tracking device is here to make your life easier. Think of all the times when you look for your keys or phone all over the house and just cannot locate it anywhere! Tile has come up with a new tracking device, which will make sure you never

Android Wear Gets Interactive Watch Faces And Built-In Google Translate Support
Android wear gets interactive watch faces and built-in Google translate support, according to the latest update by search engine giant. Android wear gets interactive watch faces, which will make it easier for you to perform tasks such as opening an app, checking your calendar and lot more. The watch faces

Preorder your Jolla Tablet running on Sailfish OS developed by former Nokia Engineers
The Jolla tablet successfully collected nearly $US2.5m through Indiegogo crowd-funding, which was started in November last year. The company is formed by the former engineers of Nokia and is now available for public preorder. Specs of the latest tab by Jolla: Jolla Tablet is powered by an Intel 64-bit quad-core

The Rise of Battery-Free Devices with K3OPS Stick’N Charge
A world in which everyone can freely use all kinds of devices that use free energy. Well, that day is not so far away. Is it possible to forget about the days of having to charge your devices? This is a serious question that has been answered by K3OPS using

Sony SmartBand 2 Unveiled By Japanese Electronics Giant To Take On FitBit
Today, in Tokyo, the Japanese electronics giant unveiled the Sony SmartBand 2 that will come with a heart-rate monitor, LED notifications and is water and dust proof. Key features of Sony’s latest wearable: The SmartBand 2 will come with a heart rate sensor, which according to the company will help

More than 80 percent of the Apple Watch users use Apple Pay and nearly half of them describes the service as “Magical”
According to the latest report by the research firm, Wristly more than 80 percent of the Apple Watch users use Apple Pay. The survey was conducted with over 1,000 respondents in the U.K. and the United States. According to the survey, only 20% of respondents indicated that they “do not

This is just incredible! Amazon launches Dash Buttons for prime members
Amazon Dash Buttons are going to be life changing! Imagine you are suddenly out of washing powder. Don’t you think it’s too cumbersome to go online (let alone go all the way to a store!), open Amazon, search for the brand of your choice, click on ‘add to cart’ and

Google teases fans about prospective names for the new Android M, What’s M Gonna Be?
Google tweeted a teaser from its official twitter handle picking the curiosity of android users regarding prospective names for the new Android M. It has been a tradition for Google to name their OS after a dessert. Just to remind you, the names of the older versions of android were

Despite the latest patch for the Stagefright vulnerability for Android, the flaw still continues to haunt Google
Despite the latest patch for the Stagefright vulnerability for Android, the flaw still continues to haunt Google and leaving more than 950 million devices vulnerable. According to the researchers of Exodus Intelligence, the patch released by the search giant to millions of devices could still allow access to Android devices.

FCC clears the way for the iRobot Robotic Lawn Mower
The iRobot is a Bedford, Massachusetts-based company, which is well known for its robot vacuum cleaner Roomba. Now, the iRobot Robotic Lawn Mower gets the approval by the FCC after facing many hurdles. After approving the iRobot Robotic Lawn Mower, the FCC said: “We find that granting this waiver is