Latest Technology News

How to Create a Strong Brand Identity
According to Seth Godin, a brand is the convergence of memories, stories, relationships and expectations that make a person pick your product over that of your competitor. Seeing as how he failed to mention price and quality of service, it becomes more than clear that the role of a brand

Top 3 Stories of Random Millionaires in Blackjack
Blackjack is a casino game that has been available for a very long time. Online casinos avail both the classic variation of the game and new mutations that have been created by software developing firms to give blackjack enthusiasts variety. The different variants of the game are available such as

The Unsung Heroes of App Design: UX and UI
Quality UX and UI design are both crucial elements of an app or digital product. However, if you don’t work in the app development industry with a creative digital agency, it makes sense that you may not exactly know what these terms mean. Sometimes it can feel like developers are

How Many Emails is Too Many Emails – A Guide to Email Marketing
An email marketing campaign is something every company needs. Although many believe that email marketing is no longer relevant, it is! Email marketing is thriving, even with the role which social media marketing plays in our daily lives. Consumers love well-thought-out, personalized emails from their favorite companies and brands. Sending

How wearable devices can help solve issues plaguing the Indian healthcare industry
India is one of the fast developing nations of the world that has registered phenomenal growth in the last few decades. The technology plays a vital role here. There are a number of ways in which the modern technology is helping India. One of the sectors that have been decently

Artificial intelligence could reinforce society’s gender equality problems
While the new age technology like AI has a huge potential to benefit the modern society in various ways, it is not without its own share of disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages of Artificial intelligence is that it can be used as a tool to promote the gender bias

How Artificial Intelligence Affects the B2B Sphere
For quite some time now, we’ve been witnessing the rise of artificial intelligence. Just take a look around. Search engines are getting smarter. Voice search, reverse image searches, and highly personalized search results have already become mainstream. Tech companies are constantly competing to make their own, custom AI chips. Intelligent

Impact of bitcoins on the economy banks finance
Bitcoins is the no doubt the most popular cryptocurrency that is widely accepted across several countries of the world and is used for various purpose right from online shopping until trading. The increasing use of Bitcoin and it is essentially peer to peer mechanism can actually redefine the way it

Get the best health with these wearables in 2018
The rapid development in the field of technology has changed the way many of the technological devices work and it has also affected our lifestyle in a positive way. One of the latest devices that have a significant effect on our lifestyle is wearables. Right from the watches that we

Top 5 Challenges in Electronics Manufacturing
As we’re living in the age of technology, electronics manufacturing is constantly on the rise. This means there are new trends in electronics manufacturing emerging every day. However, with new trends come new challenges. And if you’re wondering what the biggest challenges in the industry are right now, make sure