Normally, when you go on a trip you click a lot of photos and shoot some videos. But, you don’t do much beyond posting a few pics on social media platforms. Isn’t it? You may even plan to create an album to share with your friends, but when it comes to selecting the best shots and organizing them – Most people would avoid doing it. Your priceless memories will then just be stored on your phone or PC.

Google Photos update
Google Photos update will automatically curate your best photos into albums

The search giant understands our problem very much and the latest Google photos update will automatically choose the best photos and videos from your trip and compile an album of it. A notification will be sent by Google Photos app that offers up a fully formed album curated with the best pics and videos from your latest expedition using various machine learning techniques.

Google Photos update has made the app smarter than ever

The album curated by the app will come along with maps and location pins already included. You’ll be able to further customize those curated albums with captions and even collaborate with your friends and family using the Google Photos. You can also customize any of your existing albums with maps, location pins, and captions.

A Google engineer told Wired:

“We have 255,000 landmarks that we automatically recognize. It’s a combination of both computer vision and geotags. Even without the geotags, we’d be able to recognize a landmark.”

Google Photos update is rolling out today on Android, iOS, and the web. Thanks to the latest update by the search giant, dozens of photos you take on trips and events will not be lost in the depths of your camera roll.

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