The Samsung Safety Truck is one of those things that once you see it, you say to yourself “why didn’t they come out with that sooner?”

Driver related accidents from trying to safely pass a tractor trailer could be drastically reduced with the invention of the Samsung Safety Truck, which uses a wireless camera system to display on the trailers rear a video of whats ahead on the road. As you can see in the video below, this works both day and night.
Samsung official said in a blog post “This allows drivers to have a better view when deciding whether it is safe to overtake. Another advantage of the Safety Truck is that it may reduce the risk of accidents caused by sudden braking or animals crossing the road.”
This innovative idea was created by Leo Burnett / Buenos Aires for Samsung’s Argentinian corporate office to promote road safety after hearing statistics that in Argentina, on average, one human dies in a traffic related accident every hour. The Samsung Safety Truck could very well be the answer to decrease this number significantly.
Samsung Safety Truck has been tested in Argentina, which has various two-lane roads on which accidents occur due to semi-trailers. Now Samsung is working with Argentina’s government and non-profit organizations so that the Samsung Safety Truck can meet all the protocols and be approved.
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