7 Snapchat Tricks and Tips Everyone Should Know About

Snapchat was recently ranked the third most popular app, making it one of the preferred marketing tools for small-to-medium business owners. So, if you were thinking about adding Snapchat into your marketing strategy, be prepared to encounter a learning curve.
Though it is favorite social networks for many, it works rather differently ran others, so knowing how to use it may take some time.
Snapchat requires that you be creative and think on the spot, as you cannot import or pre-load content from the outside. In addition, there are certain features that are hidden, the discovery of which makes it a fun platform to use.
Related article:- How YOUR Business Can Use Snapchat for Marketing
7 Snapchat Tricks and Tips Everyone Should Know About:
- Learn from those who do it well: – Like with any other social platform, it is always a good idea to learn from the best. There are already many brands and celebrities that do Snapchat very well. You do not have to look elsewhere than these lists, but make sure to note of certain Snapchat stars that really nail it.
- Changing text appearance: – If you made your text bigger using the “T” button, you can squeeze the text using two fingers in order to move it around or change its size. With this feature, you can easily set the size of the text in any ways you prefer or move it around to “unexpected” places.
- Drawing with white, black, and brown: – This trick is an “old-school,” but we could not help put it on the list. If you wanted to color a picture or a video, hold your finger on the color chooser and slide it all the way to the left side of the screen, without sliding it off the screen. From there, slide your finger all the way down, and you will be able to pick up black color. If you slide it all the way up, you will pick up the white color. If you slide it down, but not all the way down, you will pick up variations of gray as well.
- Layering filters: – Did you know that you can layer filters on Snapchat? Hold your finger on the screen when you swipe to the filter you want, and using other fingers, continue swiping to add other layers on the top. You can also create your own filter or add geo located filters by swiping past the time/speed/temperature stamp.
- Using the “Story” feature: – This feature is the heart of Snapchat. Though Snapchat began its services by serving as a tool to allow someone to send message privately, the story feature has been the real takeaway for many. What better ways is there to tell a story than with a visual – a 10 second clip – that expires itself after 24 hours? Briefness makes your brand important and storytelling allows for visual tangibility.
- Ghost adding: – This is perhaps the most fun feature of Snapchat. You simply point your camera at the ghost icon and tap it once. The ghost icon acts as a QR code. When you tap it once, you will add that friend to your contact list. It is just like “under-the-radar” way to add friends to your list, and we are certain that you will feel super excited to tell about this feature to everyone.
- Adding music to your snaps: – Snapchat is one of the only popular platforms to allow this feature. Snapchat now synchronizes with your music list on your phone. All you have to do is play the song you like and start recording a video within that platform; the song will be automatically added to whatever video you are making.
In addition to these 7 features, Snapchat is most likely to add more hidden functions that is often discovered though word of mouth, which in turn makes this app an exciting platform to work with. Marketers who are already using these features will be using the platform’s capacity to the maximum, which is considered to be the world’s 3rd popular apps for marketing.
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