After Google, Microsoft is also joining the fight against Revenge Porn

Earlier this month, Microsoft PhotoDNA Cloud Service was launched to help the law enforcement agencies to identify images showing sexual abuse of children, from enormous photo libraries uploaded on the internet. Now, Microsoft is also joining the fight against revenge porn.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and others have also implemented similar policies.
Microsoft is making it easier for victims of revenge porn to remove the images and URLs they find hurtful and embarrassing from Bing search results. Jacqueline Beauchere, the company’s chief online safety officer disclosed this news yesterday in a blog post .
What is revenge porn?

Beauchere announced a new web page that will help the consumers to register the problematic photos and links. Microsoft will then remove those photos, videos or links from Bing search results, OneDrive and Xbox Live.
Beauchere said “Unfortunately, revenge porn is on the rise across the globe. It can damage nearly every aspect of a victim’s life: relationships, career, social activities. In the most severe and tragic cases, it has even led to suicide.”
A Microsoft spokesman said that it is not that the company will delete the photos, videos or links from the person’s storage account, but it would eliminate his or her ability to create a shareable link of those photos, videos or links.
It is not that people could not report the offending images earlier, but the reporting page set by Microsoft will make the process much easier. The reporting page for revenge porn is now available in English and will soon be available in other languages also.
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