Twitter unveils a new feature for its users to share block lists with other users that will make it difficult for stalkers and spammers to annoy users and make twitter a safer platform for its users

Xiaoyun Zhang, Twitter engineer for user safety wrote in a company’s blog post that this new feature will allow easy and fast blocking of multiple accounts.

Zhang said “We also recognize that some users — those who experience high volumes of unwanted interactions on Twitter — need more sophisticated tools. That’s where this new feature comes in. You can now export and share your block lists with people in your community facing similar issues or import another user’s list into your own account and block multiple accounts all at once, instead of blocking them individually,”

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Zhang added “Such advanced blocking tools may prove useful to the developer community to further improve users’ experience.”

Users can share lists of block accounts by exporting or importing it. It can be done by firstly clicking on ‘Blocked accounts’ tab under settings, then click on the ‘Advanced options’ menu and then select ‘Import or Export your list’ under the drop down menu and share it with other users.

Over the past year, Twitter has been unleashing various tools to tackle online harassment. Last year in December they made it easier to report abusive comments and earlier this year in April, they executed a new algorithm that discovers abusive tweets and upgraded their harassment policy. Twitter gave the power to lock unruly accounts temporarily to its customer support team.

This new feature of sharing block list will start rolling out to some users now and will roll out officially to all the users in few weeks.

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