Latest Social News

Month of May Will Be a New Hosting Career for FB
According to the prestigious The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Facebook may be having a new hosting career this month of May as FB has been brewing this project since March. The new feature will be called “Instant Articles” that will fully cover articles and videos of the National Geographic, Buzzfeed,

Meet “Pager” – the Neat Little Hack for Facebook Pages
During the 24-hour Disrupt NY Hackathon, 3 engineers were able to develop “Pager”, a neat little hack, turning Facebook pages into more traditional websites and ideal for small business. Previously, the engineers have worked alongside restaurant owners to work on complex tasks such as updating the owner’s WordPress websites. Facebook

Google: To Expand Its Operations in the City of Ann Arbor
Google, known to be the biggest internet giant today, plans to have a major and big expansion of its operation in Ann Arbor. Also, the firm has a plan to have their brand new facility that will be located near the North Campus of University of Michigan. It was just

What Is the Main Problem Regarding Twitter Ads?
Twitter is among those popular social media sites these days. No wonder why this platform is being utilized by entrepreneurs to post ads. However, there is a major flaw in using Twitter as a tool for advertising and marketing. Bonobos, a clothing retailer, is among those companies using Twitter ads

Facebook Unveiled Video Chat Function to Android and iOS Users
Facebook is now advancing. Just this Monday, it unveiled a brand new feature in 18 countries, which include the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, France, Oman, Mexico, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Greece and Nigeria. This function now allows Facebook users on Android and iOS devices to start a video

How Do Poor People Pay to Use Free Facebook?
We cannot deny that there are a lot of things that rich people have and poor people do not have. However, Facebook is one thing that both rich and poor people have. Rich people get access to Facebook by paying their internet connection. How about those poor people? Well, some

Google and Facebook Offer Assistance for Nepal Survivors
Recently, Nepal was hit by a 6.7 magnitude earthquake. This is among the strongest earthquakes that hit land. Due to the high magnitude, Nepal suffered from damages and deaths. Though many people who have gone missing are already assumed dead, we still cannot deny the possibility of finding survivors. In

Direct Messages Back on Twitter
As more and more consumers are increasingly using Twitter, the company has thought of encouraging them to use private messaging through direct message features. Surprisingly, this is one of the major overhauls made by Twitter for their followers. Previously, only people who follow each other receive or exchange messages privately.

New Social Mobile Charging Community and Tech Launched
A company launches a cross-platform mobile device power sharing technology. Nipe Technology introduces a new system for sharing in cross platform devices, including iPad to tablet, android to iPhone and any other mobile device combination that can be charged quickly using the social mobile charging innovation. Some had tried and

Mark Zuckerberg Supports
The owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg supports the objectives of after many Indian companies stepped back from the project. Mr Zuckerberg said in a blog post that there is no incompatibility between net neutrality and the basic free services of; he also said that the web services are