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Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows releasing on September 17

Yacht Club Games announced Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows, which will be available on September 17. The developers have been working on the expansion for some time and finally it is going to be released.

What’s new in Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows?

It is the first of three planned expansions of the game and will offer a number of new gameplay styles. It includes new Challenge and Adventure Modes and a new playable character, Plague Knight. The DLC will add new enemies, paths, areas and bosses to the game.

Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows
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Plague Knight will be armed with an unlimited supply of poisons and potions to toss at his enemies. Due to his light body, he will be able to glide and double jump, which gives him an aerial superiority over Shovel Knight. Plague Knight is said to substantially change the way the game is played.

If you want to play as Plague Knight, you’ll have to firstly complete the base game as Shovel Knight. If anyone has switched platforms for any reason and wants to play the new character straightway, he’ll be able to do that after the developers of the game will share a code that unlocks the new character right away.

Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows will be available on PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS and PC. Some of the consoles have their own exclusive content, like PlayStation has the God of War’s Kratos, Xbox One has the Battletoads and some more.

In addition to Shovel Knight Free DLC Plague of Shadows, Yacht Club Games will be releasing a physical disc version of the game in October, which include both the original game and the DLC.

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