This new feature will be welcomed by media sites, bloggers and more

Reddit, one of the largest online communities, announced on Thursday that it will let its users embed its posts/discussion threads on other websites. This new feature is quite simple to use as you can embed the threads just like you currently embed Tweets and YouTube videos in web pages. Readers

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Reddit new block user feature

For the last few months, Reddit has started addressing online abuse, and yesterday the company took a big step toward helping users gain some control over bullies. Reddit new block user feature would help users to shield themselves against harassment on the site. The company wrote in an announcement regarding

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Russia bans Wikipedia

Since 2012, Russia has passed legislation, which bans websites containing drug-related or militant material or child pornography. Earlier, Reddit was banned over a single thread about psychedelic mushrooms and now Russia bans Wikipedia for containing information on a type of cannabis. Russia’s Roscomnadzor agency is the one, which ordered Internet

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Russia banned Reddit officially

Reddit is the front page of the internet where people share almost everything, including entertainment news, technology, funny pictures, GIF’s and lot more. Russia banned Reddit officially after regulators found that an individual thread was educating people to grow “magic mushrooms.” Russia banned Reddit officially because of a single thread

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szabo viktor UfseYCHvIH0 unsplash 1
Advertising & Marketing

“Hi! Welcome to my youtube channel. Today I will be sharing with you how to…”, these are the common openings we see on most of the Youtube videos online. Then the Youtuber continues about showcasing their creative content. And ends with the famous tagline, “don’t forget to like, share and

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Ex Cisco President Lloyd Gets
BusinessWorld News

Lloyd will go from heading the networking giant as president to a company of 50 staff. His other experience at the company includes overseeing worldwide operations, Canada and Japan operations, as well as Europe, Middle East and Africa. In addition to joining as CEO, Lloyd is an investor in the

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Unlock very high quality streaming from Xbox One to Windows 10 PC
GadgetsTechnologyVideo Games

The game streaming from Xbox One to PC is the best feature of Windows 10. But if you think that streaming quality needs to be improved, you are in the right place. A Reddit user named OomaThurman has uncovered a way to unlock very high quality streaming from Xbox One

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revenge porn

Earlier this month, Microsoft PhotoDNA Cloud Service was launched to help the law enforcement agencies to identify images showing sexual abuse of children, from enormous photo libraries uploaded on the internet. Now, Microsoft is also joining the fight against revenge porn. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and others have also implemented

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Gray Hat SEO
Tech Bits

Have you been referred by your SEO consultant to try gray hat SEO techniques to rank your site (page) quickly on the search engines for most competitive keywords in your niche? If you haven’t, I am going to tell you why you should try Gray Hat SEO tactics for ranking

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The Flock game
TechnologyVideo Games

Most of the multiplayer games end up after the players are bored playing them. These games get initial hype, but eventually people lose interest in the game and when user numbers are decrease to a certain level, the game ultimately gets offline forever. However, a new horror game called The

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