Latest Science News

Dark Matter Search Is On For CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
Image by CERN GENEVA – Today is the day scientists start a who new set of experiments in the hunt for the mysterious “dark matter”. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will run at full, record-breaking power levels, as scientists kick off a new set of experiments that will help us understand the secrets of

NASA To Test Flying Saucer In Hawaii
NASA’s saucer-shaped craft could hold the key to Mans ticket to Mars Photo via Kauai, Hawaii – Hawaiian residents will get the best view of NASA’s saucer-shaped craft this Wednesday as a test flights of a huge balloon carrying the disc-like Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator. Tuesdays flight was scrubbed due

Amazon Picking Challenge Tests Out Warehouse Robots To Replace Humans
Today, Robots are accomplishing a greater amount of the work in warehouses and factories than any time before. At Amazon’s huge warehouses, human hands are still required for packing the items for shipments that we order but not for long after the Amazon Picking Challenge. As per the MIT Technology

Slave Ship Artifacts Found In Ship Wrecked Off South Africa
(main photo) Susanna Pershern/Courtesy of U.S. National Parks Service Divers find interesting artifacts in ancient slave ship found in Africa – soon to be unveiled in Cape Town Recovered form the dive site are things such as the iron bars (pictured above) that were once used as ballast on the slave

Planetary Society Rejoices as Communications With LightSail Spacecraft Established
The Planetary Society breathes a sigh of relief as communications are made with silent LightSail Spacecraft #LIGHTSAIL IS BACK! More to come. Our #LightSail reporter @jasonrdavis has live updates. High five, everyone! — Planetary Society (@exploreplanets) May 31, 2015 Good news for Bill Nye and the Planetary Society as

Kids Gathered in ‘Super Science Day’
Kids who love science gathered at Fido Purpur Arena in Grand Forks on Sunday to experience science first hand. According to participants, the activities offered at the event were super fun! This event is held by the Dakota Science Center every year. Dakota Science Center Director Laura Munski said that

Group Invites Women in STEM Careers
A group invites girls to discover science and technology careers. In Oshkosh, the UW Oshkosh and the American University Women are encouraging girls to become tech savvy. The school had a special Saturday class in exploring in demand and high paying careers that women might have been overlooking. The Technology

Miniature Rocket Engine Is the Future of Space Tech
Latest disruptive space technology might be a battery-operated rocket engine. A defense research company based in New Zealand and the US, Rocket Lab has been exploiting the growing power of small batteries in developing a new rocket they are calling the ‘Electron’. The company said that it would spend $4.9M

New Theories on the Formation of the Moon
Scientists think that the Moon may have been formed by the collision between an object and the Earth, the object is considered to be similar to that of the Earth. This has opened up new possibilities for new theories on the formation of the Moon. The study is one of

The Large Hadron Collider is back in Business
The LHC was not operational for the last 2 years and has started for the first time since 2013. The collisions will not start for another month but the protons are now circling around the 27k long machine in both directions. Researchers are hopeful to discover new phases of physics