Researchers and experts point out that Internet of Things and AI are going to be the “Next Big Thing”. Technology has brought drastic changes in our lives. Internet alone has a lot of contribution to it. It is not a surprise to see a future where all devices will be connected to the internet and people controlling it remotely. IoT will also revolutionise a lot of areas such as healthcare, manufacturing, gaming, communication and even parenting. In the present world, parenting is one tough job to do.

This article deals with the IoT and it is put forward by Vegas Mobile Casino which provides excellent online casino gaming experience through its splendid collection of games. Advancements in IoT is making parenting easier and effective. It will also help the children to lead a better life.

What is the status of IoT?

The number of active IoT deceives were estimated to be around 8.4 billion in 2017. It was a 312% increase when compared to the previous year. By 2020, the number of active IoT devices is expected to be around 20.4 billion.

IoT and Humans

IoT will be making its way into the life of teenage since their early days. It is possible for parents to keep track of where and how the humans are using their smartphones. This will help them to avoid worrying about their loved ones.


Filip is a great tracking and communication device that helps parents to track their teens and allows them to make calls. It comes in several colours and the design is made in a way that teens would love it. It also has an option for the parents to send messages. One of the most important features of Filip is that it has an option for the teens to call back their parents.


Kinsa is a smart thermometer which helps to get a quick reading of the body temperature. It also helps the user to store the data of the temperature along with the temperate. It can be directly connected to the headphone jack of the smartphone and Kinsa app can be used to measure the readings.

Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor

parents often face sleepless night during the initial stages of the baby and smartwatches cannot be tied to the wrists of the babies. Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor solves the problem; it is sort of a smart sock which shows the readings of the heart rate and oxygen level. It also has a loud alarm which can wake anyone from sleep.

Security of IoT devices

Security of IoT devices should be treated with high sensitivity. There have been cases in the past relating to the illegal data collection of the companies from the toys used by the children. Also, IoT means the ability to access something through the internet. Therefore, caution should be exercised while selecting the right IoT gadget for children.

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