Latest Social News

We May Soon See A Facebook Breaking News Notification App
The social media giant, Facebook will never stop amazing us with its new products. Now, according to the latest buzz in the market, the company is currently working on the development of a standalone Facebook Breaking News Notification App. The company has not yet confirmed anything about the Facebook Breaking

With the Snapchat new update that brings Travel Mode, consumption of users’ mobile data will be reduced
The Snapchat new update is bringing good news for users who do not want to spend a lot on data plans. The application now has a feature called Travel Mode, which will solve the problem of high consumption of mobile data. The Snapchat new update is also bringing many other

Nearly 857 porn sites banned in India leading to a debate about censorship and freedom
Nearly 857 porn sites banned in India by the government to prevent pornography from becoming a social nuisance, leading to a debate about censorship and freedom in the largest democracy of the world. Porn sites banned in India and N.N. Kaul, Department of Telecommunications’ spokesman told Reuters: “Free and open access

Facebook new live event streaming feature debuts at the Lollapalooza music festival
If you don’t like to go to a crowded place to watch live events, but want to enjoy it, Facebook new live event streaming feature will let you do that. The company debuts its feature at the Lollapalooza music festival. The move by social media giant to get into real-time

To foster Pinterest workforce diversity, it will work with Paradigm
Yesterday, Pinterest revealed its workforce diversity numbers; and the website’s founder Evan Sharp said that the company has made “modest progress” over the last one year. To foster Pinterest workforce diversity, it will work with Paradigm, a start-up company. Pinterest Workforce Diversity statistics revealed by the company: According to the

Now Chat using FireChat app without an active Internet connection or Cellular network
We all use messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, SnapChat and various others in our daily routine. All these apps use internet connection, but FireChat app lets users chat each other without having a working internet connection. The app has now got an update which will let users chat privately.

The Link between Smartphones and Depression
According to a new study your smartphone can spot with 87% accuracy whether you suffer from depression. If you are expecting to read about a new smartphone that is able to read your thoughts while you are using it, think again. The findings from a recent study done by researchers

Watch Later Button can now be seen on Facebook
Facebook has been experimenting a lot for the past few days, like they changed their logo, changed Friends Icon and Groups Icon and they are also working on Moneypenny, their new virtual assistant. According to a report by Techcrunch, Watch Later button can now be seen on Facebook. Where will

Facebook Moneypenny, The New Virtual Assistant Service coming soon
Last month, Facebook created buzz by allowing people to sign up for its Messenger app without a Facebook account. Now, the social networking giant is creating buzz with Facebook Moneypenny, the new virtual assistant service. Reported facts about Facebook Moneypenny: There are three main virtual assistant services in the market,

Facebook New Friends Icon and Facebook New Groups Icon reflecting gender equality has been unveiled
Few days back Facebook new logo was unveiled, now Facebook New Friends Icon and Facebook New Groups Icon reflecting gender equality has been unveiled. Who redesigned Facebook New Friends Icon and Facebook New Groups Icon? Caitlin Winner, a Facebook designer redesigned the Facebook New Friends Icon and Facebook New Groups