Video Game Make Smarter

Video games are generally used for entertainment purpose because graphics is an essential component with entertainment value. We usually consider that video game players are lazy and bad at school. But the new studies prove that playing video games make the gamer to perform better in maths. This new finding

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Oddworld Abes Oddysee
Gaming ConsolesTechnology

Just as technology progressed, gaming reached to new heights. From using a typical mouse and keyboard, it paved way to Virtual Reality VR, Artificial Intelligence nowadays which makes the gaming experience realistic. Online gaming was never a sport until gaming companies like EU sports for its spectacular FIFA gaming series

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small business

Everybody wants to start a business and flourish in it. But the problems is, ‘how do you start, nurture, and build the business to standard. It is very easy for people to think they know what is involved in establishing and building a new business until they find themselves in

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Guerrilla Marketing1

Today, small businesses are focused on online promotion. It helps them create targeted campaigns, reach out to a wider group of people, provide real-time customer services, and save money. However, excluding traditional marketing practices from your business promotion is not an option. If your budget is restricted and you cannot

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How To Promote Your New Business In 5 Simple Steps

Setting up a new business is never easy, no matter how experienced you may be. Starting from scratch has a host of problems and challenges, not least of which is promotion. However, promotion is not as hard as it used to be. Thanks to the rise of the internet and

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Digital Marketing Tips for Starting a New Business

No matter if you plan to open up a tiny bakery, or you wish to expand your fashion line into a global business in a few years, the digital realm is no longer reserved only for the most prominent players in the game. On the contrary, businesses of all sizes

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email marketing

Although social media marketing is the hot topic at the moment and is by far the world’s most popular and most used marketing method, email marketing is still very much alive and well. Unfortunately, as new forms of digital marketing have come to take over the marketing world, it has

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Windows 10 has a lot of surprises and a lot of changes can be noticed in performance and sound effects. It also has made a lot of room for the users to customize based on their preferences and needs. Right from the Start menu to a virtual assistant, users can

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Mistakes To Avoid With Your Social Media Marketing.docx 1

Nowadays, social media platforms are more than just places where people can meet up. Social media is very business-friendly, allowing numerous and various companies to promote themselves on these channels. What’s more, social media is a great way for businesses to directly connect with their target audience, in order to

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Cyber Security Issues You Need to Know About.docx 1

image source: Every year, cybercrime gets more advanced and hackers come up with new ways to threaten systems and networks. Methods of fighting it also get more sophisticated and it seems like the battle will never be over. And it probably won’t. For a layman, it’s impossible to track

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